Annotated Bibliography
- Welcome! This website is My public tab manager, or An annotated bibliography of my life, or An ongoing experiment with modes of relating to the world of knowledge and information. Expand the next bullet point to learn more about the philosophy of it, or just look around.
- A note on philosophy
- This site is meant to embody a system of engaging with information that centers around the separation of information curation from information consumption. There are several good reasons to separate these activities:
- Curating information and consuming information are activities that engage different modes of attention. Doing the activities jointly entails jumping back and forth between these different modes, which can limit the degree to which we can sink into either one.
- When we curate, we are often thinking about the big, global picture of how a domain of ideas is interconnected. This is a zooming out, an expansion.
- When we consume, we are often focusing in on a detailed story, narrative, or explanation. We are asked not to think about connections between a large set of ideas but to engage in explicit reasoning about a small one. This is a zooming in, a contraction.
- If we fail to separate curation from consumption, we might indeed find that we mostly only do one thing, which is consume. When we consume without curating, then our consumption patterns will be more unreflective, more imposed on us by external forces.
- When we consciously exercise in a conscious step of curation, we gain the benefit that in the spare moments where there is not enough time to settle in to the zoomed out, big picture of our lives and perceive a direction in the content we wish to consume, we can still make progress in a direction that we have previously laid out in a moment when such contemplation was possible.
- Curating information and consuming information are activities that engage different modes of attention. Doing the activities jointly entails jumping back and forth between these different modes, which can limit the degree to which we can sink into either one.
- To facilitate this separation, the site has a couple distinct ways of presenting content:
- Outlines: These are where the products of curation live. Outlines are meant to help convey the structure or “gestalt” of a collection of a collection of documents. Nodes within outlines are sometimes contracted by default to keep “detail-level” data from interfering with this big picture presentation.
- Annotations: These are pages are meant to contain summaries, reflections, responses, or extensions—artifacts of the consumption of information. Annotations can be attached to nodes within an outline.
- Additionally, there are roll pages which collect in chronological order annotations to a given outline.
- What’s here is a very much minimal, (almost) viable feature set. I’d like to only invest additional time into this project once I’ve validated it by actually finding it useful.
- This site is meant to embody a system of engaging with information that centers around the separation of information curation from information consumption. There are several good reasons to separate these activities:
- Development
- [x] Automatically generate a persistent item id, e.g. by hashing or abbreviating the item contents. Add button to copy link to node to clipboard to facilitate linking to nodes.
- [x] Show when a contracted node has an annotation
- [ ] Expand to and highlight the node linked in query string. Fix scrolling to node
- [ ] Store node contracted/expanded status for a given user in browser data
- [ ] Improve the embedded annotation display
- [ ] Build out roll pages
Reading Material
- Bookish Stuff
- Postrationality Stuff
- Metacrisis, meaning crisis, game theory, blockchain stuff
- AI Stuff
- Math
- Physics, etc.
- Stuff of Life
Reading Log
- Queued
- Reading
- Read (See all)
- Heuristics and Discursive Writings / The fine art of opportunism
- Meta/meaningcrisis, game theory, blockchain / Attractors in the Space of Mind Architectures and the Super Cooperation Cluster
- Meta/meaningcrisis, game theory, blockchain / Attractors in the Space of Mind Architectures and the Super Cooperation Cluster